Bold. Distinctive. Biblical.
A Principle-Approach® Pre-K–12 Christian School in Lancaster County, PA
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Fast Facts About Preschool

✓ Who: Ages 3 & 4 (must be 3 by September 1st of the school year)

✓ When: Tuesday & Thursday mornings from 8:00-11:00 a.m. (2-day, half-day preschool)

✓ Location:交通便利,距离宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特县30号公路蒙特维尔出口仅1分钟路程

Preschool helps children prepare for the academics of kindergarten at Dayspring.


  • Preschool: 2-Days/Week (mornings, for ages 3 & 4)
  • Pre-K: 3 & 5-Day/Week Programs (full day, for ages 4 & 5)
  • Kindergarten: 3 & 5-Day/Week Programs (full day, for ages 5 & 6)
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Preschool at Dayspring

黎明基督教学校力求教育孩子的全人. At our preschool, we educate according to the Principle Approach methodology. 原则教学法是美国历史悠久的教育方法,在我国建国时期盛行. Our private preschool program offers:

Introduction to the alphabet. 学生根据字母表中的每个字母学习一个圣经英雄, 最后是《BCK体育注册官网》人物日——包括服装!

Age-appropriate academic lessons woven together and rooted in God’s Word, including:

  • History
  • Science
  • Literature
  • Math

Guided free play包括自治、秩序和团结的原则.

Circle time, which includes songs, calendar (to review date, patterns, and number order), weather, colors, and Bible stories.

Daily art and craft projects 旨在加强历史,科学,圣经和文学的重点.

In-depth field studies 是“黎明原则教学法”的重要组成部分吗. 以下是我们为学龄前学生提供的实地研究:

Discover Preschool at Dayspring!


General Preschool Information: What Parents Need To Know

  • Students must be 3 by September 1. All children must be potty-trained.
  • Preschool is offered based on space availability. Each class accommodates up to 12 students.
  • 家长必须提供最近体检的复印件和免疫接种记录或反对信.
  • 报名费为50美元,不可退还.
  • 上课时间为周二、周四或周三、周五上午8点至11点.m.
  • 该项目学费为1175美元,一次性支付或每月支付. 月费须于每月第一天全数缴付,并于当月开始后不予退还.
  • 小吃将由学校提供,除非学生有饮食限制. 在这种情况下,父母有责任为他们的孩子提供零食.
  • Students should wear comfortable, 适合活动和工艺美术的朴素衣服.
  • Transportation is not provided.
  • 黎明幼儿园的教室宽敞明亮,热情友好. 适当的安全措施已经到位,以确保我们的家庭对他们宝贵的孩子的安全充满信心, loved and well-cared for.
  • 为有天赋或特殊需要的学生提供学前教育. Please contact Dayspring’s Admissions Director, Karol Hasting, to inquire.
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Christian Preschool Happy Students Photo Op

Sample Dayspring Christian Preschool Schedule

Below is a general schedule outlining our busy mornings. 我们的老师可能会不时地调整课程表,以适应特定的班级.

8:00 Arrival, Centers, Guided Free Play
8:15 Opening Circle: Greeting, Calendar, and Weather (show & tell – Thursdays Only)
8:35 Bible, Songs, Memory Verse
9:05 操场(天气允许)或在教室里自由玩耍
9:25 Snack
9:40 Literature/ History Timeline
9:55 Music & Movement
10:10 Math
10:25 Art Activity or Science & Exploration
10:45 Closing Circle: Review, Prayer, and Song
Pack up and Line up
11:00 Parent Pickup

Christian Preschool Smiling Student Girl

...I have been very impressed

“我对晨光基督教学院印象深刻, and here are a few of the reasons why: First of all, 员工的专业水平和细心给我留下了深刻的印象. 我永远不会忘记我儿子的幼儿园老师在幼儿园毕业典礼上为我们的孩子祈祷时流下的眼泪. 老师们也要求孩子们有很高的责任心. “自治”的原则从小就被教导, 孩子们被教导要明白他们要对自己的行为负责.

我喜欢的另一件事是,孩子们从小就被教导批判性思维和公开演讲. In Kindergarten & First Grade, 孩子们记住了他们在其他班级面前背诵的诗歌, and by second grade, kids begin writing “orations,他们根据自己选择的主题为自己撰写的演讲, that they present before their classes.

Lastly, 我喜欢他们如何将圣经的教导融入所有科目, and how to evaluate life from a Biblical world view. Scripture memory is very important at Dayspring as well.

I’ve never known any other school quite like Dayspring. As a parent, I’ve been very impressed."

— Carmen, Dayspring Parent


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学前班为每周二、周四上午或周三、周五上午8:00 - 11:00.
At Dayspring, we see each child as a unique individual, created by a loving Creator, and valued as such. It is because of this that Dayspring has created the P139 Student Support program, named for Psalm 139:14, 并设计用于教需要替代或不同教学方法的各个层次的学生, so they may work to their potential.
Are after school programs available Preschool students?
What field studies are offered to Preschool students?
Dayspring为学龄前学生提供三个实地学习项目: 教学生BCK体育注册官网秋季的实地考察, which takes place at the Country Barn Market in Lancaster, PA. A field study that teaches students about transportation, 是在斯特拉斯堡的宾夕法尼亚铁路博物馆举办的吗, PA. 教学生BCK体育注册官网社区帮助者的实地研究, which takes place at Tiny Town in Lancaster, PA.
Why should I seek Christian education for my child?
The Bible clearly teaches that the responsibility of education belongs to parents, not the State. 箴言说:“敬畏耶和华是智慧的开端。.只有教导我们的孩子神的话语中的真理, 我们能否确保他们能够充分地迎接世俗世界的挑战,并为基督的事业动态地影响这个世界.
What are the benefits of preschool for my child?
Dayspring Christian Academy educates the whole child. We teach according to the Principle Approach method which was prevalent during the founding of our nation. Our preschool program offers:
Can I see the school and meet the teachers?
Yes! 参观Dayspring是一个很好的方式来得到你的问题的答案, learn more about how the preschool operates, 看看我们如何满足您孩子的个性化教育需求. Schedule a personal tour today by calling 717-285-2000!
What school safety/security measures are in place?
In the Dayspring preschool, 玩具和教室表面每天都要消毒,以保持孩子的健康. Appropriate security measures, supervision, 卫生设施到位,确保我们的家庭有信心,他们的宝贝孩子是安全的, loved, and well-cared for.

Take a tour of Dayspring!

Private tours for you and your child are available. Additionally, 初高中学生可以通过我们的参观项目体验一天的BCK体育注册官网. Call Karol Hasting at 717-285-2000 or use the button below to register.

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